A Case Of Serotonin Syndrome During Intrapartum Cesarean Delivery
Michael Wen
Took Much Of A Good Thing: High Dose Aspirin And Neuraxial Anesthesia
Sara Dryden
Maternal Arrest From High Spinal After Local Anesthetic Bolus Through A Replacement Epidural Catheter Following Prior Placement Of An Intrathecal Catheter
Eve Bishop
Greg Ginsburg, Rebecca Minehart
Paradoxical Bradycardia With Epinephrine In A Patient Undergoing Cesarean Section Under Sub-Arachnoid Block
Sadique Ali Wadho
We Remember It All Too Well - The Time Our Patient Got An Entire Epidural Bupi/fentanyl Bag Bolused I.V.
Theophilus Abah
Managing Labor Pain In A Patient With Lidocaine Allergy: A Case Study In Epidural Anesthesia Alternatives
Jasveen Chadha
Intrathecal 3% Chloroprocaine For Cesarean Section In A Patient With Lidocaine Anaphylaxis
Damon Wallace
Local Anesthetic Resistance InPatient Scheduled For Cesarean Section
Bradley Skene
Motor-Sparing EpiduralAnesthesia With Lidocaine ForCesareanDelivery
Kayla Robinson
Labor Analgesia In Patients With CYP Isoform Mutations.
Mariam Batakji
Cathy Drexler and Meredith Albrecht
Thoracic Dural Puncture Epidural For Parturient With Prior Lumbar Spine Surgeries
Mohammad Nawaz
Abdul Moiz Khan, BA, MBS
Edward Mosenkis, MD
Low Thoracic Epidural Post-Cesarean Analgesia And Pompe Disease: A Case Report
Anupama Balasubramanian
Labor Analgesia In A Patient With Spina Bifida Occulta
Roy Lei
Rafat Hossain DO; Roy Lei MD; Ana Lisa Ramirez-Chapman MD
Can I Get An Epidural? Prenatal Neuraxial Ultrasound In Patients With Spine Pathology