Postdural Puncture Headache: The Sphenopalatine Ganglion Nerve Block In Obstetrics (SNOB) Study.
Hamad Mohamad
To Puncture Or Not To Puncture: Neuraxial Considerations In A Pregnant Patient With Chronic Orthostatic Headaches
Claudia Sotillo
Patient, Temporal And Provider Factors Associated With Unintended Dural Puncture In Obstetrics
Gregory Galanti
Inadvertent Dural Puncture Leading To Subdural Hematomas And Persistent Headaches
Jessica Nieto
Zachary Meade
Erica Anstett
Subdural Hematomas After Accidental Dural Puncture Requiring Surgical Interventions
Yujing Zhao
Post-dural Puncture Headache Incidence In Dural Puncture Epidurals/combined Spinal Epidurals Versus Conventional Epidural Blocks For Labor: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis
Kumiko Chino
Interventions To Prevent Postpartum Depression: ASystematic Review Of The Literature And Network Meta-Analysis
Heather Acuff
Development Of A Psychological Birth Trauma Screening And In-Hospital Psychosocial Support Protocol
Katherine Seligman
The Role Of Neuroimaging For Seizure Management In Pregnancy: A Case Series
Nicholas Ledlie
Relationship Between Duration Of Oxytocin Cessation And Estimated Blood Loss During Cesarean Delivery